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Friday, December 18, 2009

Kitchen Cupboard Remedies

There are many common ingredients in every kitchen cupboard that have hidden or under estimated health remedy uses. For instance let's talk about the common mustard, this common seed is an excellent and very natural, easy laxative. By simply chewing on a few of the seeds (about 1/8 of a teaspoon) in the morning and the evening you can count on being regular once again without the harsh effects of other remedies. Mustard can be used in powdered form and mixed with olive oil for pain resulting from bruises. When mixed with enough vodka and olive oil to create a paste you can place it on the chest which has been covered with a layer of cheese cloth and it will relieve congestion and croup symptoms. always, always place a clean cloth between the mustard plaster and the bare skin because it can cause burns. Check the area often.
Oatmeal is almost unequaled when it comes to most skin disorders. It is extremely soothing in bath water for all types of rashes or in a poultice for minor insect bites. It can be cooked, mixed with olive oil and cornstarch then blended or stirred together and used as a topical ointment for such things as diaper rashes.
Wonderful, delicious pineapple is a naturally sweet fruit and it known as nature's sponge. When experiencing a sore throat, gargle deep in the back of your throat with pineapple juice that is room temperature and then SPIT IT OUT! This will draw infection out the throat and mouth. It will relieve sore throats and laryngitis. DO NOT SWALLOW as it will pull the infection down through the intestinal system Mashed pineapple can also be used as a drawing poultice on infected wounds. This wonderful fruit is great to aid in digestion and will help stop heartburn.
Whole grain, brown rice is an excellent source of protein and is very soothing for stomach problems if the following recipe is used. Boil one cup of rice in four cups of water and after the rice becomes soft, strain it through a small mesh. Drinking this "water" will help nourish and hydrate the body from excessive vomiting or diarrhea. Using white rice will NOT have the same effects.
Good old table salt is a good gargle for sore throats and swollen tonsils and adenoids, it will relieve inflammation. Warm salt water sprayed into the nostrils in small amounts will dry up nasal passages that are congested and swollen. Salt in the bath water will relieve sore muscles and will help to break down cellulite. It can also be extremely soothing for menstrual cramps.
Sage tea is a great rinse for acne, and dermatitis problems. When combined with nettle and chamomile it is great for dandruff and hair loss problems and when sage tea is ingested it will help control excessive sweating problems.
Thyme is good for fevers and is excellent for children who have persistent nightmares. Thyme helps in most headaches, stomach cramps and is a good choice for hard persistent, croupy coughs.
Ginger Root helps with digestion, endurance and energy. Ginger will help keep the sinus clear. Genger increases circulation and speeds up the leukosyte action of the blood which in turn stimulates the body's natural immune system. Ginger also helps keep the bronchioles free from congestion.
For more information see our news letters at www.zhealthinfor.com

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